Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

An Autobot fleet was surrounding Earth, a sight which had not been seen since the campaign to liberate the planet nearly thirty years ago. This time, however, the ships had come to pull the Autobots off of the planet. The Striking Eagle was orbiting North America, waiting for shuttles from the garrison at Detroit to arrive. Jetfire sat in his office, reading over reports disinterestedly.

Chromedome knocked on the transparent door and announced, "We're picking up a signal from the surface for you, Jetfire."

"Who's it from?" Jetfire asked.

"A Doctor Simon James. Do you know him?"

"Yes, we worked together a while back. Put it through." Chromedome made a signal and the message was put through to Jetfire's computer.

Jetfire saw the face of James come onto the screen and was grateful that he didn't have a mouth or else it would have been hard to fight down a frown. He had never been fond of the human scientist. James had seemed too egotistical about his own abilities and had never been much of a team player. "Jetfire, I'm glad I could reach you. I know that the Autobots are pulling out, so I might not get to contact you for some time. I've made some new discoveries and I thought that perhaps you would like to come down and see them before you go. I think it's awful that your people have been forced to leave, so I thought I'd give some of this knowledge to you to help."

"How generous. Is your lab in the same location?"


"I'll contact Wheeljack and we'll be down shortly."

"I'm looking forward to it." James signed off and Jetfire sighed. No matter how much he disliked James, any improvements in technology would be worth checking out for use in the Autobot Army. He contacted Wheeljack, who was aboard another ship, and arranged to pick his friend up. Then he left the Striking Eagle and hoped that this was all worth it.

Jetfire landed and let Wheeljack out. Then he transformed and the two Autobots entered the lab from a special entrance that had been created especially for them long ago. They found James waiting for them, a long tube cradled in his arms. "Gentlemen, welcome," James said.

"So what is it you want us to see?" Wheeljack asked.

James held out the tube, "This is a prototype for an ultrapulse laser. I've had some difficulties with it, so it doesn't function right. However, I think if you look at it you may be able to find the problem. You can take it back with you to Cybertron and study it."

Jetfire took the tube and examined it. Then he asked, "Was there anything else?"

"Not that you would be interested in. Working on human weapons for the Confederation has taken up most of my time."

"What kind of weapons?" Jetfire asked. It was no secret that no love had been lost between he and James. The development of the hyperpulse laser had turned into a compeditive race that had nearly destroyed the team. Wheeljack was indifferent about James, but he could sense the tension in the air.

"I've experimented with tanks that are far more maneuverable and faster than current models. It's important, now more than ever, that Earth has the weapons to defend itself from any Decepticon attacks."

"And I'm sure you'll be more than happy to develop those weapons."

James looked hurt and replied, "Come now, Jetfire, I know we've had our differences, but we should bury the hatchet, so to speak."

"Bury the hatchet? You sabotaged my hyperpulse laser design, causing me to lose weeks of research so you could finish your own prototype ahead of schedule."

"It was an accident."

"Computer terminals seldom explode on their own."

"I already explained that I accidentally triggered a power surge..."

"Knock it off, guys," Wheeljack butted in. "We'll take this back with us and see what we can do. If we can fix it we'll let you know, Simon."

"Thank‑you Wheeljack." Wheeljack grabbed Jetfire's arm and they left the lab. Jetfire transformed and let Wheeljack inside. Then he lifted off and put his thrusters on maximum burn, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.

James smiled and shut down an invisible scanner in the wall. The scanner had done an undetected scan of Jetfire's body and systems, using X‑ray, infrared, ultraviolet, and other radiation to make a complete map of the Autobot's systems. James downloaded the data and smiled. Then he set to work on his plan. He hoped the Autobots enjoyed the protoype he had given them. He had removed several key components so the thing would not function. He had needed bait to draw the Autobot scientists, but he didn't want to give his enemies any more firepower. He typed some commands in a keyboard and knew that soon a new age would soon begin for humanity, one in which humans could fight Transformers on equal terms and defeat them, and it would all be because of him. James smiled and continued his work.


Camshaft watched the last of his command climb into a shuttle and took a final look at the outpost he had commanded for several years. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to leave the humans defenseless, easy prey for an assault by an enemy. However, orders were orders and a column of human vehicles was already en route to take the facility back.

Camshaft climbed into the shuttle and took a seat next to Downshift. Downshift put a hand on Camshaft's shoulder, sensing his sadness. "It'll be all right," Downshift said to comfort his friend. "Besides, we've been assigned to the border fleet. We can charge right in and help if anything goes wrong."

"We'll probably be too late," Camshaft replied as the shuttle took off. "The fools. To quote one of their religious verses: 'pride goeth before the fall'. The humans have set themselves up for a very long fall because they have too much faith in themselves to see the danger."

"Perhaps, but there comes a time for everyone when they have to stand on their own two feet and deal with their own problems. No matter what happens, I'm sure the humans will survive."

Camshaft snorted, "If only because of their stubbornness."

"Some would say we were stubborn to continue fighting the Decepticons for over four million years."

"Perhaps. However, these creatures couldn't last that long, they're too impatient. They'd atomize their planet before letting a war drag on for even a couple of centuries."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Yes, let's do that." The shuttle shook as it entered Earth's atmosphere and streaked towards a waiting cruiser. Camshaft just hoped that his friend was right, because if he was wrong then all of Earth could be a memory before the Autobots could lend a hand.


Ambush watched the last transports pull out and sighed. Now he was the last Autobot on Earth and quite possibly the last line of defense if the planet was invaded by the rogues or Decepticons. He checked the latest human news broadcasts and noted nothing of interest. He knew that there would be no invasion as long as the Autobots were still in‑system, but once they had left, then it would be the right time to strike.

"How long until all Autobot units have left human space?" Ambush asked the computer.

"Approximately four weeks and two days."

"Project estimated location of human defenses at that time." The computer, which could tap into a wide variety of human networks, including ones used for defense, began placing red dots onto a map. From the looks of it, most human ships would be located along the border in the Centauri system, which was uninhabited and cluttered with wreckage from the Battle of Centauri. The Centauri system had become a galactic graveyard where only Junkions would dare go. Still, the Centauri system provided the quickest attack route to Earth from Cybertron, so the humans would want to keep it well‑defended.

Other forces would be deployed along the other borders, which would put them strategically out of position to aid Earth if it came under attack. That would only leave the Confederation Home Fleet, a fleet of ships left to guard the Solar System at all times in case of an invasion attempt. It was a reassurance for the war‑weary population, but Ambush knew that a leader with strategic expertise could find a way to defeat the Home Fleet, someone like Ultra Magnus.

What bothered Ambush is that the rogues would have no real reason to attack Earth. They wanted Cybertron, not Earth. However, it was possible the rogues might attack to draw the Autobots and humans to Earth while they launched a raid on Cybertron. Then of course were his former people, the Decepticons. They had a great many reasons to attack Earth such as vengeance or to plunder Earth's resources to regain their strength.

"Correlate reported Decepticon sightings and defections and predict current leader of Decepticons."

The computer calculated once more, and Ambush was left to wait for several minutes. He couldn't help but feel that something would happen, that all of this was happening for a reason. Perhaps I am just getting paranoid, Ambush mused. The computer finished its work and announced, "Based on evidence current leader is predicted to be Bugly."

Bugly? Ambush nodded and rubbed his chin in thought. Bugly was a conniving strategist, a Pretender who knew martial arts and could be excessively cruel. Ambush could still feel his circuits burning from when Bugly had attacked him with electrical discharges from his shell's antennae when Ambush had refused to kill innocent civilians. He shuddered and knew that it made sense, to a point. Bugly had the brains and power, but he lacked charisma. "Project current renegade Decepticon roster."

The computer came up with a current roster of Decepticons on the run, according to all sightings by human and Cybertronian sources. He frowned as the list came up. Something was missing, it had to be. While Bugly was strong there was no way that hotheads like Dreadwind, Dirge, or Savage would follow him.

Ambush was left to discount the Decepticons as a plausible force. It was obvious that they would not have the cohesion to form a unit even if they all banded together and it was far more likely then that they had formed several splinter groups, which would be of no consequence. Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more than meets the eye. He would have to continue to watch and wait and be ready if the time came for him to reveal himself.


Omitron heard a beep on the sensor console of the captured frigate and looked up from her work. She went to the console and saw that a ship was nearby, an Autobot one. It was a small cargo ship with extra packages of sensors and science equipment, a research ship of some sort. She was tempted to let it pass, but with its boosted sensors, it would probably detect the frigate and come to investigate.

She swept the ship with her sensors and detected two sparks on board. Good, it should be easy to board and take over. She activated her comlink and ordered, "Air Commander Misfire, bring your squadron up immediately, we have an intruder nearby."

"Acknowledged," Misfire replied, teeming with confidence. He and the fighters hurried out to the hangar and took off, roaring into the sky, eager for battle. Omitron took the helm of the frigate and routed all main systems to her console. She activated the main engines and headed on a course to intercept the ship. As she did, she wondered who was on board. If it was a science ship, was Jetfire aboard? She hoped not, because if he was she would have to destroy him to keep him silent.

Optimus was still in the lab when the red alert sounded. He ran from the lab and saw Nighthawk at the ship's controls. "What is it?" He asked.

"An Autobot frigate is approaching."

"Perhaps Cybertron has sent someone to look for us," Optimus mused.

"Not likely. I think it's the frigate that a group of Decepticons stole just before we left. Otherwise they would have hailed us already."

"You may be right. Ready the shields and weapons, I'll try to hail them." Optimus worked on the communications gear, but no response came from the frigate. "No response. Activate shields and weapons and put engines to full power. There's no way we can stand up to the frigate, but maybe we can outrun it."

Nighthawk nodded and the Discovery's engines went to full power. As they did, the sensors showed even more bad news. "A group of Decepticon fighters is approaching. Sensors show four of them, moving to intercept." She stood up and began moving back towards the hatch. "I'll run interference, get the ship out of here and back to Cybertron."

"Nighthawk, you won't last long against four fighters."

"I know, but Kup assigned me to protect you. If I draw the fighters off you should be able to outrun the frigate." Optimus was about to say something, but Nighthawk shook her head. "I am a warrior, this is my duty." She opened the hatch and stepped out into space. She transformed into her sleek X‑29 fighter mode and shot away from the ship.

Optimus went to the ship's controls and doubted he would ever see Nighthawk again. He had left Cybertron to avoid war and destruction, but it had found him nevertheless. He drained the weapons power into the engine systems to get maximum output from them. He hated to leave Nighthawk, but that is what she wanted. I will make sure you name lives on with honor, Optimus thought as the Discovery sped away. Soon the frigate was left behind and Optimus was alone once more.

Nighthawk saw the four fighters approaching in a diamond formation. She was surprised to see Misfire in the lead and noted that Dreadwind, Dirge, and a Sweep were along with him. She kicked her afterburner to full and readied her weapons. As she neared the Decepticons she opened fire, corkscrewing at an alarming rate. The Decepticons returned fire, but Nighthawk's wild maneuvers allowed her to dodge it. She powered by the Decepticons and banked sharply back around. The enemy fighters broke formation to try and flank her.

Nighthawk found herself on Dreadwind's tail and he nimbly avoided her first shots. She could see him about to break left and at the last second threw herself in a hard right turn. As she expected, Dreadwind's move was a fake and he had banked right, only to get hit in the middle of his fuselage by her weapons. Dreadwind slowed and transformed, too damaged to continue flying.

Savage came at Nighthawk as she flew over Dreadwind's damaged form. He fired at her with all of his weapons, but she dove and his shots missed. He could see she was going to loop under him to try and get his tail, so he put himself in a loop to try and turn the tables. Nighthawk cut her thrust and caught Savage in mid‑loop. She blasted him and his front flared with fire for a moment and then he transformed.

Nighthawk streaked by him and narrowly avoided being hit by blasts from Dirge. She banked hard to the left and saw Misfire descending towards her. She readied herself as he was about to fire. She knew that he had no chance of hitting her and that she couldn't stop him from taking his shot anyway. He fired and Nighthawk saw with horror that his shot was expertly aimed and struck her in the left wing. She spun out of control, still in shock. Had Misfire actually shot her? She was skidding towards him and transformed. Her momentum carried her into him and he spun away, transforming as he did so to steady himself.

Nighthawk pulled her rifle out and took Dirge out with two shots. Misfire was still recovering as Dirge spun away, his left engine damaged. Nighthawk turned towards Misfire and before he could recover and blast her she shot him twice in the chest. He screamed and Nighthawk turned to transform and escape. Before she could, a blast knocked her weapon from her hand.

She turned, expecting Dreadwind or the Sweep, but instead saw a large black and purple jet approaching. The jet transformed into a female Decepticon, who leveled a large weapon at Nighthawk. Nighthawk stared at the weapon for a moment. Is that a fusion cannon? She wondered.

Omitron stared at the female Autobot in surprise. Ordinarily she would have disposed of the girl who had ruined her plan to stop the Autobot ship, but she knew this Autobot, knew that this was no ordinary Autobot sap. Omitron lowered her weapon, staring into the female's eyes. Yes, she could see it in the girl's eyes.

"Who are you?" Nighthawk demanded.

Omitron smiled and replied simply, "I am your mother."

The other Decepticons arrived, ready to slag Nighthawk on the spot. "Permission to finish the Autobot?" Misfire asked.

"No. This one is a long‑lost sister returning home."

Misfire tapped the symbol on Nighthawk's left shoulder in confusion. "But she's an Autobot!"

"No, she is half Autobot."

"How can you be my mother?" Nighthawk demanded and the other Decepticons were curious.

"Years ago I worked undercover in an Autobot lab on Cybertron, providing information to Megatron. It was after the Autobots had retaken the planet and their civil war, so they were running short on troops. One scientist, Jetfire, was trying to develop a new way of creating sparks duplicating the biological method of reproduction."

"Since the Autobots would have closed the project down immediately on moral grounds, only Jetfire and I knew about the project, working in secret. Once our calculations and tests were completed we decided to field test it. We...mated and a new spark was created, yours."

"I left shortly after that, recalled by Megatron, and Jetfire created a body for you. He finally delivered his findings to Optimus Prime, who closed the project immediately, as expected. He felt that such reproduction was blasphemous to Primus and the Matrix and assigned Jetfire and Wheeljack to work with a Terran scientist on developing new weapons instead. I discreetly left Cybertron, unable to take the equipment and Jetfire had destroyed all evidence and forced me at gunpoint to do so as well. Your spark had already taken to its body and you knew nothing about your heritage, so I left you."

"So I am half Decepticon?"

"Yes. That is why you are such a fierce warrior, the spirit of hundreds of Decepticon warriors is within you. You surely must have noticed that you don't fit in with the Autobots and their gentle, peaceful society?"

"I have always been...eager for battle. I thought it was simply because I had known no other life, but perhaps it is as you say, that I am part Decepticon." She thought about how hard a time she had had adjusting to peace and how she had always felt she had been an outsider. These Decepticons, they were her real people, not the Autobots with their peace and noble causes. Her soul was that of a warrior, she lusted for battle. She was...a Decepticon. "I want to join you, Mother."

Omitron smiled and slapped her daughter on the arm. "Excellent, we could use you. Now let's get back to base to repair ourselves." All six transformed into their fighter modes and slowly made their way back to the ship. Nighthawk could sense hostility from the others and wondered if she would really fit in any better here than she had with the Autobots.


"You want to do what?" Koromi asked, about to spit up his sake. He, James, and Marshall were in a trendy Japanese restaurant in Toronto's Japanese section. The restaurant was nearly empty, but they were still seated in a dark corner.

James took a pull from his own drink and smiled. "I want to start a secret production facility on the moon to produce a new kind of machine."

"Why on the moon?" Marshall asked.

"I want to keep it from Hoover's ears. I know she's going to blow the lid off our South American operation soon and I don't want anyone except whoever is necessary to know what is going on with this."

"What is so important?" Koromi asked and James whipped out a set of blueprints. Marshall and Koromi quickly swept the dishes aside and James laid the blueprints out.

"This is the key to beating the Transformers and safeguarding Earth's future. By using their own technology against them we will finally have the edge in ships and ground units. With enough of these and a fleet of ships we could take almost all of the colonies the robots possess and then Cybertron itself could be ours."

Marshall raised an eyebrow and asked, "How do you plan to fund all of this? There's no way I could funnel enough through the Confederated Army, and I don't think you and Takashi have enough money to do either."

James laughed and explained, "I've taken care of that already. There's a group calling themselves the Human Coalition. They're not an extreme group, but instead a conservative one that believes in maintaining a separation between us and the robots. They've got the money, and in exchange we will produce enough firepower to keep Earth safe forever."

"But these guys don't want Cybertron destroyed," Koromi reminded James.

"No, but our alliance with them is temporary. Think about the opportunity here. We will finally be able to be free, without having to worry about whether we will survive the next attack. The Confederation will be the most powerful entity in the universe and never, never again will humans have to fear an attack on their homeworld by some alien power."

Marshall smiled at James. He should become a politician, she thought. James had the ability to touch people, to convince them that they could do the impossible. He had a certain charisma that made people follow his ideas and had kept her interested in him for years. "Let's do it," she said.

"I can provide the workers and equipment. These friends of yours will have to provide the capital."

James nodded and put the plans away. He signalled the waitress and announced cheerfully, "The next round's on me."


It was two days later until the last Autobots were loaded onto the ships. Prowl and Jazz watched this from the Autobot command ship, the Liberator. "Well, it's all over with," Jazz said quietly. They were sitting in Jazz's office on the ship and Prowl nodded, pulling out a bottle of radium‑spiked oil.

Prowl poured two glasses and the Autobot leaders clinked their glasses together in a mock‑toast. "Here's to our alliance." Prowl downed the drink in one shot and Jazz looked at him worriedly.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink it that fast," he observed.

Prowl snorted, "I'm trying to freeze my logic processors before they can fully analyze this hopeless situation." He quickly drank another shot and was about to start with the bottle when Jazz stopped him.

"Save some for me," Jazz smiled. He punched the intercom to the bridge and ordered, "All ships move out at maximum speed. The sooner we're gone, the better." Then he took another drink. Before the Autobot fleet had even reached Mars the entire bottle was gone and Prowl was reaching for another one.

The Striking Eagle entered hyperspace and Jetfire sat tiredly in his quarters. He and Wheeljack had decided to take a break from examining the weapon James had given them. Jetfire turned from the window and was glad he didn't have a mouth or he would be doing like many other Autobots and try to drink his way to unconsciousness. He heard the door chime sound and answered it, finding Arcee standing at the door. "Can I come in?" She asked.

Jetfire nodded and she sat down in a chair facing the window. "I can't believe this is happening, the humans used to be our friends, and now they hate us. What has changed?"

"They see us as outsiders now," Jetfire replied, sitting in a dark corner and staring out the window, almost oblivious to Arcee's presence. "They see us as oppressors instead of allies."

"I guess we were just too different to get along forever."

Jetfire shook his sadly, recalling a pain from long ago. "No, we are not so different. The humans see us on the outside and think that we are just machines, that all we are is metal and wire, our minds programmed like a computer." He suddenly was up and grabbed Arcee by the shoulders, although the look in his eye showed that he was not even looking at her. "But we are more than that! Inside all of us is a soul that mirrors those of the humans. Our sparks are not artificial, they are organic. The Matrix is not some kind of holy vessel, but like a flower and our sparks are the seeds of that flower, the offspring to continue its legacy. Cybertron itself is a living organism, created from the spark of Primus in order to house his children for eons to come."

Jetfire's grip tightened on Arcee's shoulders and she winced in pain. "What are you saying, Jetfire?"

He released her and began pacing by the window like a caged animal. Then he began talking rapidly. "All my life I have wrestled with this dilemma, the border between religion and science. Now I can see, I can finally see that there is no border." He turned to Arcee and the look in his eye was frightening. "We live in a godless universe! We are just another of life's experiments, a part of the evolutionary process. Like the humans and any other creature in this universe we are all part of the great experiment of life. An experiment not conducted by gods, but by the forces of nature."

"The drive of anything in the universe is survival. Stars can survive for billions of years, and galaxies even longer. Cybertronians can live millions of years, but ultimately everything dies. That is the key, everything dies! But life evolves, it changes, it becomes more than it was. Slowly, very slowly, life is evolving to find a way to hurdle that final barrier: death."

Arcee shot to her feet and slapped Jetfire across the face. "What you are saying is blatant blasphemy! It goes against all of our principles as Cybertronians! How dare you even propose such a thing!"

"What I propose is the truth. Over twenty years ago someone tried to explain all of this to me and I had your reaction. Now, when I think about us and the humans, I can see what she was talking about."

"She? Is that the picture you keep in your apartment?"

Jetfire jumped back like Arcee had slapped him again. "No, that isn't her. That picture is of my...daughter." He could see Arcee reel back in shock and explained, "The woman I spoke of was a lab assistant I had for a short time during the war named Omi. She was a brilliant scientist and we worked very well together. Then she explained to me most of what I told you, about how we are biological creatures at our root. With her help I fashioned a device that would allow Cybertronians to create sparks by interfacing, mimicking the biological process used by the humans. We succeeded in creating a spark, our daughter."

"We had conducted this entire project in secret, because we knew that no one would accept what Omi believed. I fashioned our daughter a body and immediately enlisted her in the army, keeping her heritage a secret. Then I confronted Optimus and he demanded that all evidence of the project be erased immediately. Omi was heartbroken and left, and then I destroyed everything. I couldn't bear to see the child that Omi and I had created and I have never even seen her since that day when I enlisted her."

"I was a fool. I listened to what Omi had said, but even after all that had happened I never believed her, until now. I know what I have to do now, I have to find her. Together we can finish what we started and make a better future for both our race and the humans. First, though, I need to find Nighthawk, my daughter, and explain everything to her. I've neglected her for too long." He sighed and looked sadly at Arcee. "When we get back to Cybertron I'm going to resign my commission so I can find both of them. Kup should know where Nighthawk is, but Omi will be much harder to find. Don't tell anyone else about this, it will only cause trouble."

Arcee was speechless, but nodded. She touched him on the shoulder and tears came to her eyes. "I'm sorry about your family, Jetfire. We've all suffered because of the millions of years of war, but perhaps now you can find what you lost and make your peace with the universe." She wiped her tears away and smiled, whispering, "Maybe you'll even discover that there is a god after all." Arcee left and Jetfire was left staring out into space. So many secrets, he thought. Secrets that will not give themselves easily, but must be unlocked if we are all truly to understand our places in all of this. Now, however, I think I have found my place.


Nighthawk looked around the Decepticon base in astonishment. It was huge and packed with equipment better than anything on Cybertron. Omitron floated in the base in her chair, gazing at her daughter in interest. She had never seen Nighthawk, but she could see that Jetfire had crafted a good body for her daughter. It was sleek, fast, and deadly, well suited for a variety of tasks. "This is unbelievable," Nighthawk observed.

"Yes, it is," Omitron responded. "And now you are a part of it, a part of the army that will liberate the universe from the Autobots and humans."

Nighthawk shook her head. "You can't believe you can restore the Empire? The United Cybertronian forces are too powerful."

"Perhaps, but I have a plan. Now then, what were you doing so far from Cybertron? What was the mission of that research ship?"

"There was no real purpose. Optimus Prime retired from the United Cybertronian Government and decided to explore new parts of the galaxy. Kup sent me along to protect him."

Omitron smiled and nodded, "Yes, but your ship was heading back towards Cybertron. Why was it returning?"

Nighthawk hesitated. Should she tell her mother what she and Optimus had discovered? She was now a Decepticon like her mother, but she knew what would happen if the Decepticons found the wormhole and the nucleon. "The ship was new and the sensor equipment burned out. We were on our way back to have it repaired."

Omitron knew it was a lie, but she didn't want to press the girl just yet for details. In time Nighthawk would give herself over completely to the Decepticons. "I see. While Optimus would have made an excellent hostage, I am glad that you joined us. I've had Bugly take the liberty of creating something for you, something to help you on your first mission as a Decepticon."

Omitron pressed a button on her chair and the vault opened up. Inside were two humanoid Pretender shells, one belonging to Omi and another that had been cloned from it. It was an inferior version, since Omitron had yet to perfect cloning, but it would be adequate for her plans. The shell was a humanoid female wearing a pastel purple spacesuit with turquoise trim that hid most of its body, including half of its face. Light brown hair hung down to its shoulders, but most of its head was hidden by a turquoise helmet. It looked like most of the Autobot Pretender shells and would easily blend in on Cybertron. Omitron's shell was at full size and clad in a gray spacesuit with black trim that hid all but its eyes and nose.

"What is our first mission?" Nighthawk asked.

"You and I are going to break into the Penal Facility in Cyberhex."

"The Penal Facility?" Over twenty of the worst Decepticon criminals of the war were housed there, their sparks in eternal stasis.

"Yes, a new Decepticon army will need sparks, and the Penal Facility is an ideal place. Misfire, Dreadwind, and the others will conduct a similar raid on the Penal Colony at Tehendra." Tehendra stored another twenty or so sparks, but these were of lesser Decepticons. It was a medium security prison, but Cyberhex was a maximum security one. Nighthawk had been there once and she had been scanned from every angle before gaining access.

"How are we going to do that?"

"Autobot security is not all that tight, I have ways to get us in. I'll explain on our way there. First, we have to wait for Misfire and the others to finish in the restoration tank. In the meantime, try out the shell and see if it fits you." Nighthawk climbed up to the open vault and touched a button on the shoulder of the spacesuit that caused it to open. She backed inside the shell and it closed around her, its dimensions compacting to more tightly fit her. Her eyes closed and all neural commands were routed through the shell's helmet.

She moved the arms and legs a bit and adjusted to the added weight and size of the shell. Then she walked out of the vault. "This is adequate," she said, the shell's voice synthesizers making her usual gravelly voice sound higher and more human. Omitron floated up to her and nodded.

"Good. I estimate we'll leave in a few hours. The shell is able to transform into a cargo carrier that will fit under you in fighter mode." Omitron's expression hardened as she added, "The shell is equipped with magnetic restraints and a self‑destruct that can be activated at any time. Betray me and I will destroy you."

Nighthawk nodded her humanoid head, fear growing in her as she wondered if she had made a mistake. Omitron turned away as a button on her chair lit up. She was receiving a communique from Soundwave on the Decepticon mining colony. She zoomed away to somewhere private and activated it. "My lady, all goes well here. A rogue Autobot ship has arrived and asked for our help in finding you. The ship is equipped with a cloaking device that I know you will find useful. The ship and its cargo of raw materials will soon be en route to Kortex." Omitron smiled as she thought about the message. A cloaking device? That would be very useful indeed. Still, getting those sparks was important and her mission could not be delayed. She would have to trust that Bugly could take care of things in her absence. She hurried away to give him instructions.

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